J9G Gamefarm’s Distinctive Sabong Bloodlines

J9G Gamefarm’s Grey and Pearl White Bloodlines

Cockfighting, deeply entrenched in the cultural fabric of countries like Cuba and the Philippines, has enthusiasts worldwide actively involved in breeding chickens to establish superior sabong bloodlines. Within this vibrant landscape, J9G Gamefarm stands out as a stalwart player, having meticulously cultivated two signature bloodlines over the years: the J9 Greys and the J9 White Pearls.

Decoding J9G Gamefarm’s Signature Bloodlines

Decoding J9G Gamefarm's Signature Bloodlines.

J9 Grey: A Fusion of Strength and Agility

The J9 Grey bloodline emerges from the strategic crossbreeding of straight comb Harold Brown Greys and David Yorkman’s Possum Sweaters. Harold Brown’s Greys, celebrated for their fighting prowess, stamina, and agility, originated from a blend of Irish Greys, Brown Reds, and Whitehackles. These medium-sized chickens boast muscular builds, striking silver or grey plumage, and red or black accents.

David Yorkman’s Possum Sweaters, renowned for their fighting skills and distinctive “banana” head shape, result from crossing Clarets, Lacy Roundheads, and Lemon Sweaters. Merging Brown’s Greys with Yorkman’s Possum Sweaters yields the formidable J9 Grey, recognized for its multiple striking abilities, high flying prowess, and tenacity in sabong matches. J9G Gamefarm offers two variants of the Grey bloodline: the J9 Sweater Grey and the J9 Hatch Grey.

J9 White Pearl: A Symphony of Intelligence and Speed

The J9 White Pearl lineage is crafted through the intricate fusion of Kelsos, Radios, and Lemon Hatches. Kelsos, known for their strength, agility, and stamina, were bred by Walter Kelso, featuring a medium-sized build, strong legs, and a plumage combining white and brown with red and black feathers.

Radios, bred by Johnnie Jumper, exhibit power, fighting prowess, speed, and aggressiveness, with a muscular medium to large build and diverse feather colors. Lemon Hatches, known for endurance and agility, result from crossing a Lemon hen with a Hatch rooster, displaying a distinctive yellow or lemon-colored plumage. J9 White Pearls gain recognition for their intelligence and swift execution in the arena, often securing quick victories.

J9G Gamefarm’s Innovative Breeding System

J9G Gamefarm's Innovative Breeding System

J9G Gamefarm adopts a battery-type breeding system, housing hens in compact cages to trace bloodlines efficiently. Despite the system’s drawbacks, the farm mitigates concerns by employing the Egg 1000 Water Soluble Powder and VitMin Pro health enhancer tablet. The Egg 1000 powder, administered thrice weekly, enhances fertility when mixed with water. VitMin Pro, administered in varying amounts depending on weather and health conditions, further contributes to overall hen health. This dual approach ensures the vitality of J9G Gamefarm’s J9 Greys and J9 White Pearls, facilitating continuous improvement in bloodlines.


The J9 Grey bloodline stands out for its strategic crossbreeding of Harold Brown Greys and David Yorkman’s Possum Sweaters, resulting in a formidable combination of strength, agility, and tenacity in sabong matches.

J9G Gamefarm mitigates concerns by utilizing the Egg 1000 Water Soluble Powder and VitMin Pro health enhancer tablet, ensuring the health and fertility of hens despite the compact battery-type breeding system.

J9 White Pearls are recognized for their intelligence and swift execution, making them stand out as gamecocks capable of securing quick victories in the arena.


In cockpits, the presence of J9 Greys and White Pearls signals reliability and strength. J9G Gamefarm, guided by the expertise of Sabong International, persistently refines its signature bloodlines, crafting superior gamecocks poised for victory in official cockfights. The legacy of excellence continues as these bloodlines evolve to dominate the arena. Sabong International provided valuable insights for this blog, contributing to the understanding of the dedication and innovation behind J9G Gamefarm’s success.

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